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Happy Dog NaturCroq Puppy is a balanced and easily digestible dry food for puppies and young dogs from the 4th week. Our puppy food contains all the nutrients needed for optimal growth. We only use high-quality ingredients such as tasty poultry, beef and wheat. We also try, where possible, to use locally-sourced ingredients. That’s what makes our puppy food especially delicious. Young dogs have high energy requirements. Feeding a puppy food with good levels of protein and minerals is important. The balanced formulation of NaturCroq Puppy can prevent symptoms of deficiencies and also prevent oversupply. Medium and large breed dogs should be moved on to NaturCroq Junior from the 7th month. Small breed dogs up to 10kg adult weight can be fed NaturCroq Puppy up to the 12th month and then be moved directly on to adult dog food. Would you like to know more about the best way to feed puppies and junior dogs? In our Puppy World, our experts can give you advice on how to choose the right puppy food. In addition, we offer a special feeding consultation for your puppy or junior dog.

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